The deadline for PyCon 2012 tutorial, talk, and poster proposals is under 15 days away, so be sure to get your submissions in by October 12, 2011. Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced veteran, PyCon is depends on you, the community, coming together to build the best conference schedule possible. Our call for proposals ( lays out the details it takes to be included in the lineup for the conference in Santa Clara, CA on March 7-15, 2012.
If you’re unsure of what to write about, our recent survey yielded a large list of potential talk topics (, and plenty of ideas for tutorials (INSERT TUTORIAL POST). We’ve also come up with general tips on proposal writing at to ensure everyone has the most complete proposal when it comes time for review. As always, the program committee wants to put together an incredible conference, so they’ll be working with submitters to fine tune proposal details and help you produce the best submissions. We’ve had plenty of great news to share since we first announced the call for proposals. Paul Graham of Y Combinator was recently announced as a keynote speaker (, making his return after a 2003 keynote. David Beazley, famous for his mind-blowing talks on CPython’s Global Interpreter Lock, was added to the plenary talk series ( Sponsors can now list their job openings on the “Job Fair” section of the PyCon site ( We’re hard at work to bring you the best conference yet, so stay tuned to PyCon news at and on Twitter at!/pycon. We recently eclipsed last year’s sponsorship count of 40 and are currently at a record 52 organizations supporting PyCon. If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring PyCon, we’d love to hear from you, so check out our sponsorship page ( A quick thanks to all of our awesome PyCon 2012 Sponsors: - Diamond Level: Google and Dropbox. - Platinum Level: New Relic, SurveyMonkey, Microsoft, Eventbrite, Nasuni and - Gold Level: Walt Disney Animation Studios, CCP Games, Linode, Enthought, Canonical, Dotcloud, Loggly, Revsys, ZeOmega, Bitly, ActiveState, JetBrains, Caktus, Disqus, Spotify, Snoball, Evite, and PlaidCloud - Silver Level: Imaginary Landscape, WiserTogether, Net-ng, Olark, AG Interactive, Bitbucket, Open Bastion, 10Gen, gocept, Lex Machina, fwix, github, toast driven, Aarki, Threadless, Cox Media, myYearBook, Accense Technology, Wingware, FreshBooks, and BigDoor - Lanyard: Dreamhost - Sprints: Reddit - FLOSS: OSU/OSL, OpenHatch The PyCon Organizers - Jesse Noller - Chairman - Brian Curtin - Publicity Coordinator - _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list