Shashidhar Paragonda <> writes:

> Hello Python hackers,
>                I want to create windows installer (one)  file which is
> combination of, Python v.2.4.4, Zope v2.8.11, Postgresql v8.1.x, and some
> Python dependency packages and Zope dependency packages.
>                With inclusion of all these above packages I need one single
> executable file to install at one shot.p
>                Any resources how to do this, thank you in advance for the
> help!!!!!!!!!!

I had a similar requirement a few years ago and none of the "standard"
tools worked for me so I cooked up a custom installer. The details are
over here

My solution was not very portable and highly UNIX specific but it worked
across distros with minimal changes. You might find some ideas there
that you can adapt for your setup.

The NSIS[1] system can be used to create Windows installers. I don't
know how well it would play with Python and the rest of your deps though.

Good luck.


P.S. Stylistic point but try to avoid the "!!!!!!!!!!!!" when you end
     your sentences. One is enough to empahsise and even that's not
     really necessary here.


"I always avoid prophesying beforehand because it is much better to prophesy 
after the event has already taken place. " - Winston Churchill
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