On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 4:56 PM, vikas ruhil <vikasruhi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A brief Description of system On i  need help for memcached size:-
> Using Command line  :- memcached -d -m <memory size> -l -p 11222
> Anybody able to suggest memory size for Django, or for Dynamic python usage
> for high Performance computing

This is hard to say for sure without a complete strategy. This would
require an understanding of what your site is doing, which parts are
dynamic, and on what time scales. Django does have pretty nice
caching strategies that you should look into. Also, you seem to have
plenty of RAM to play with, at least on the face of things, so an
aggressive caching strategy should work for you.


P.S. Also look into varnish, and nginx for static media. This blog is a
       great starting point:
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