Hi all,
I am really confused as to how setuptools and distutils work.
Basically what i want to achieve is be able to install packages in my
local environment and not globally ( just a preference ) . I know I
can use virtualenv and distribute but i just want to do some simple
testing and don't really want to setup a virtualenv for that.

The usual practice I adopted for this was that in setup.py I would
change the lines
from setuptools import setup
from distutils.core import setup
this way i can use

python setup.py develop instead of python setup.py install
and it will install the package in the same directory

but it turns out when i use python setup.py develop
in this fashion while this particular package is installed locally all
other packages acquired from pypi are installed in the usual way . Is
there any way i can solve that make it install all packages locally ..


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