Thanks Dhananjay  for detailed explanation. I spent some more time googling
and their website. Seems to be extended from Psyco project.
Based on my understanding, I may not need PyPy for general programming  and
small websites experiments as of now.

Thanks & Regards,

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Dhananjay Nene <>wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Gopalakrishnan Subramani
> <> wrote:
> > I could not understand the PyPy intention in having another run-time.
> >
> > Can we see having PyPy running Python programs,
> >
> > 1.  As a challenge? (A language can have its own runtime with little
> > improved performance) or
> > 2.  Potential for future to replace/co-exists CPython forever with strong
> > community support?
> >
> > I like to understand, nowhere I am arguing. I don't code full time in
> > Python, but I do code till I sleep like reading.
> For starters, you might want to check out
> (I thought I had seen a much more detailed articulation of the reasons
> for pypy, but couldn't quickly enough google for it). A Virtual
> Machine based approach is a rather different approach which has over
> the last decade started to show strong benefits (especially thanks to
> the JVM really making strong advances in the area of virtual machine
> engineering, and advanced memory management / garbage collection
> algorithms).
> There is often a chain of thought that manually handcrafted code is
> superior to generated code (in many ways higher level languages often
> logically generate low level languages). However as the amount of code
> that is written starts getting substantial, the sheer amount of logic
> we implement often overwhelms any ability to micro-optimise by
> carefully handcrafting code. Moreover as some control is taken away
> from programmers (eg, malloc/free), eventually good machine optimised
> algorithms can outperform manual code especially when done on a large
> scale (eg. generational garbage collectors do a wonderful job on the
> JVM). Most importantly the ability of virtual machines to dynamically
> monitor program execution and then generate native code for only the
> most frequently used parts of the code allows a wonderful balance. eg.
> in the article that set of this thread sprintf could not be inlined.
> Assuming it was feasible to inline it - it would effectively get
> inlined everywhere resulting in a much larger code bloat. Dynamic VMs
> can generate native inlined code only for the most frequently used
> call-sites (places where sprintf is called) of sprintf (as a arbitrary
> hypothetical case say only 5 out of 200 locations in the code - but
> these 5 effectively make up 99% of the runtime number of calls to
> sprintf). Finally because virtual machines can inspect the actual code
> behaviour at runtime make optimisations at runtime which are virtually
> impossible at compile or link time (eg. see
> for optimising dispatch to
> virtual methods).
> All put together there are a number of advantages that this approach
> has the potential to offer. In many ways PyPy is starting to show
> promise of delivering on these advantages now. However the design of a
> virtual machine based approach cannot be an incremental bolt-on to
> traditional runtimes, for all practical purposes, it needs a complete
> rewrite.
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