On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Baishampayan Ghose <b.gh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> minidom is the fastest solution if you consider the programmer time
>> instead of developer time.  Minidom is available in standard library,
>> you don't have to add another dependency and worry about PyPI
>> downtimes and lxml compilations failures.
> FWIW, ElementTree is a part of the standard library as well and is
> known to be much better than minidom in various ways.

Being part of the standard library is a big plus. However ,
as compared to lxml, one thing that seemed to be missing
in more "standard" Python XML libraries is XSLT. This is
incredibly useful in some contexts. I would love to learn
about XSLT support in other libraries.

Here is the blog post about the performance of Python XML
libraries that I was referring to earlier:

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