It's all good gentlemen. 

I have learnt a great deal here and won't have a thing like this slow me down. 

Sorry about the typo, I would pay more attention next time. 

That said, thanks for your respective inputs. 

It's morning here in Nigeria, so, good morning or good afternoon or good night. 
Whatever applies. 

greet=['good morning','good afternoon','good evening','good night']

for x in greet:
        print x

You can choose your appropriate value for x. 

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-----Original Message-----
From: Noufal Ibrahim <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2011 13:05:11 
To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India<>
Reply-To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Iterating list of tuples writes:

> Venkatraman,
> You sound quite rude and arrogant.

Maybe but these *are* public lists and you'll find all sorts of people

Venkat's mail was to the point but lacked sugar coating and (in poor
taste) contained an accusation. 

I think you should just let it pass. The list archives are public and if
anyone *does* show interest in the members' behaviour in the future
(which is highly unlikely), they'll have the original emails to make
their own decisions.



Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never 
learn anything from history. -George Bernard Shaw
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