             You mean the *svn delete* must work when you *svn update?. *Yes
we can do it. but its a tricky way. What I suggest is to create a
shell/python script named *svn *and put in higher path hierarchy (for
example /usr/local/bin). In side the script you code like if its ran with
argument other than *up* or *update* the run /usr/bin/svn <arguments>. if
the argument is *update* or *up* you have to do your tasks like checking for
the removed files in the working copy and /usr/bin/svn delete the files you
got , and then you can run /usr/bin/svn update inside the script. :)

That means write a script to override the existing svn command.. this may
work.. try it..

Note:- Every svn command you use in side the script must contain absolute
path other wise it will end up in a looping call

Brijith P

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sriram Narayanan <sriram...@gmail.com> writes:
> > There's also the python API to SVN which let's you d a lot of stuff.
> [...]
> The last time I checked (and it was a long time ago), it needed physical
> access to the repository file system (not just the checkout) to be able
> to do anything. That makes it useless for the OPs needs.
> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
> Thank God I'm an atheist.
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