On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 15:00, Varun Naik <varun.v.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
>  I want to learn python, I don't have any idea on programming languages as
> for now, can anybody help me from where I can start with. Please help me.

LPTHW (Learn Python The Hard Way) is the best choice if you are new to
programming[0] in general. I've added some more useful resources
[1]...[5], but would still recommend that you finish LPTHW first. Btw,
in my experience, its easier to learn a language if you can identify
the task you want accomplished -- 'compute statistical averages for
BSE prices daily' or  'want to add foo-bar feature in my weblog [2]',

[0] I was about to write 'learning how to use virtualenvwrapper is an
important skill' but stopped. Didnt want to overwhelm you with
advanced stuff, which you can look into when you are more comfortable
with python basics.
[1] http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/index.html
[2] http://wiki.python.org/moin/WebProgramming/

General tips and reading:
[3] http://bayes.colorado.edu/PythonGuidelines.html
[4] http://hetland.org/writing/instant-python.html
[5] http://nullege.com/ (a search engine for Python code)

vid ॥ http://svaksha.com ॥
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