Sreekanth S Rameshaiah wrote:

> If we had our say, we would have settled for apache+ mod_wsgi.  Client
> was techie organisation and they felt nginx + uwsgi will perform
> better. Our research showed that in a fully dynamic environment it
> makes no difference.

Apache is a behemoth and would be overkill (imho) for the task of
reverse-proxying. Additionally, if the app is configured such that
static content is served from nginx, you reap that performance benefit

TBH, the benefits are from the nginx end, not the uwsgi end. paster,
gunicorn, uwsgi, et al are about as fast as each other. nginx can load
balance and serve static content faster than Apache consuming less
memory[1]. The feature rich Apache has a bigger attack profile as well.

[1]  All this is app dependant, of course :)


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