On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Vishal <vsapr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:56 AM, Senthil Kumaran <orsent...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 02:25:04AM +0530, Vishal wrote:
>> > if you could read the entire file in one go...(i.e. unless your file is
>> more
>> > than 50MB)...how about the following?
>> >>> for line in reversed((open('filename').readlines()[-1:-n:-1])):
>> ...     print line
>> Some comments:
>> > # n is the number of lines you want to read.
>> > l = open(filename).read().rsplit('\n', n+1)
>> - readlines would be better.
>> > # following is to keep the memory requirement low.
>> > # but this is optional, if you only want to print the lines, and then
>> end
>> > the python process.
>> > l[0] = None
>> - Could not get why you are setting the first item to None.
>> > gc.collect()
>> This does not free anything. Where is something un-referenced for it
>> to garbage collect?
>> --
>> Senthil
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> setting l[0] to None, un-references the earlier string data associated with
> that name, which is then (force) collected by the collect() call.
> I have tried it multiple times, (on my windows box) and it works perfectly.
> In fact, I found it to be the only way to make sure memory consumption
> stays low when I have to deal with reading data columns from files that are
> in hundreds of megabytes.
> Would love to know of other deterministic ways of freeing memory in Python.
> Ok, I should have explained a little bit more.

the way rsplit() is used in the my code snippet, makes the last five lines
to be sent to l[1:], where as all the other lines (from the entire file) to
be present in l[0]. That is why I thought of deleting all that memory, in
case you use this snippet as part of a larger program.


setting l[0] to None, un-references the earlier string data associated with
that name, which is then (force) collected by the collect() call.
I have tried it multiple times, (on my windows box) and it works perfectly.
In fact, I found it to be the only way to make sure memory consumption stays
low when I have to deal with reading data columns from files that are in
hundreds of megabytes.

Would love to know of other deterministic ways of freeing memory in Python.

Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre
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