use this way


Its raw string stuff which i guess you are missing out.

Nitin K

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Santhosh Edukulla <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a list of regular expressions under a file(EX: inp.txt). Then, I
> have
> another file (EX: search.txt).The task is that i have to read the list of
> regular expressions from the inp.txt and then search for the same in
> "search.txt" and output the matched string.
> Iam using python *"re" *module to do this.
> This works except for few regular expressions below.
> *a = '(/|\\)cmd\.com$'*
> 1.
> When i read the regular expression above from the file to a variable *(EX:
> a)*. as below
> EX:
> *a=open('inp.txt','r').readlines()[0]*
> Iam getting a different regular expresson as  *'(/|\\\\)cmd\.com$'*
> 2. Instead when i use *a.encode('string-escape')*, iam getting the output
> for a as * '(/|\)cmd\.com$' *So when used like this, re.compile() statement
> gives an error
> Any idea to solve this.
> Thx,
> Santhosh
> Thx,
> Santhosh
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Nitin K
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