On 1/29/11, vikas ruhil <vikasruhi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> anyone going to meet up Delhi tell  i can't afford to come up Bangalore  if
> furthure any meeting there in delhi inform us please.love python & cram
> Google yeahhhhhhhhhhh

There is a Linux Users' Group, Delhi (which is focused on FOSS,
despite the name), though it has been quite dead over the last
couple of years. People seem to have drifted into smaller cliques
of Drupal, Django, Python, what have you. Personally, I think it is
a shame, but I do not want to restart tired old arguments.

The long and short of it is if you want to start Python meetings
in Delhi, I would be glad to help out where possible, though I
will say up front that I am not currently in a position to be the
primary driver in such an effort. Consider posting also to the
ILUG-D list ( http://frodo.hserus.net/mailman/listinfo/ilugd ),
asking for volunteers to do presentations.

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