On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 12:19 PM, ravi krishna <ravi.9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to this group and i am really looking for some help with Python in
> mobile apps development. I have seen some applications in mobile phones
> developed purely in Python. What are the requirements for doing it ? I am
> relatively new to Python programming and trying to improve my Python
> knowledge by creating some apps. For android and iphone , there is an SDK
> for developing apps ? Do python has any such SDK for development ? Do i need
> to install any modules for making it work in mobile phones. Any help will be
> appreciated.

The SDKs are platform-dependent, and have varying degrees of support
for features of the phone. Some that I am aware of:
* There is a Python interpreter for the Symbian S60 project.
* For Android, there is http://code.google.com/p/android-scripting/
* No experience with Python on the iPhone, but people point to this:

All in all, it is undesirable, IMHO, to program with Python on a
mobile phone. Aside from generally unsatisfactory support, the
Python interpreter adds an overhead.

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