On 12-Jan-11, at 7:43 AM, Nitin Kumar wrote:

So {} can contain function also for the new class, if then can you give
example for the same. As i need function to class being generated.

Yes, you can replace the {} with something like

{ 'my_method': some_function }

but the 'some_function' is very specific to your problem. Depending on what you want in the body of the function, you have a range of available options, from defining the function inside another function body, like

def custom_class(original_class_name):
    def replacement_method(obj):
        print "custom method for", original_class_name
new_class = type(original_class_name, (object,), {'my_method': replacement_method})
    return new_class

... to using eval to create your new function from a body of generated code in text form.

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