Please point me to any use of strong words against of what many of us follow.

Also, I've long been contemplating having talks about the various
practices that we follow at Thoughtworks. I think some interesting
topics would be "Refactoring", "Test Driven Development", "Continuous
Integration", "What does agile mean ?", "Regression testing using
Distributed Test Harnesses" and any other buzzword-like terms that
have always mystified us.

I used to be very much against of Test Driven Development, and then
had a moment of realization about how writing tests first could be
viewed. For me, that meant considering "tests" to be a expression of
requirements, which are then met by writing necessary and sufficient

-- Ram

On 12/3/10, Senthil Kumaran <> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 08:40:41AM +0530, Sriram Narayanan wrote:
>> It's rather disappointing when I see a nice discussion thread
>> degenerate into taking potshots at others - especially by posts by
>> people who otherwise contribute in very constructive ways.
>> I'm a Thoughtworker, proud of what and how we do  (including promoting
>> better software development practices).
> I agree with you. Thoughtwork  is a good company which has promoted
> pretty nice practises and given some good software.  Plus, their way
> of dealing with communities is amazing! I don't think anyone seriously
> was pointing anything wrong there.
> All we were concerned was using strong words against good practices
> that many of us follow.
> --
> Senthil
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