On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 04:57:15PM +0530, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> "Loading the interpreter" is a general term. Interpreters do various
> things when they start which can significantly affect performance
> (searching module include paths is one example).

CGI scripts have be to executed by an interpreter process.  And CGI
handling webserver modules, like mod_python/mod_perl invoke an
interpreter instance as process for handling each request.  

The blurb from the Wikpedia did mention about what I was trying to say
as heavy weight operation.


And better way in Python at the moment is WSGI.

The perl vs python comparison on shell is interesting and could be due
to variety of reasons, but I am not sure if this performance
comparison is conclusive for using perl on webserver instead of
python. I have not come across this argument earlier. If it is
something which people consider, it would be interesting to know.

Perl+CGI has been there and is quite mature, that could be a probable


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