Hmmm..I forgot to post this here.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Hello Folks, The other day, Nigel and me were having an irc discussion and I suggested we kick-start a weekly python-dojo[0] meet-up in Bangalore. Sunil Abraham (Exec.Dir) of CIS was kind enough to donate their office space and even offered to sponsor the java (pun unintended). Thanks Sunil/CIS. So here's the plan for weekly python-dojo sessions in Bangalore, WHAT: Weekly python-dojo sessions in Bangalore which is inspired by dojorio[0][1] meetups in Brazil where they apply the "small acts manifesto"[2]. The idea is to create a friendly atmosphere which encourages "beginners" (...and experts and everyone in between) to share and learn with the community. Please bring your laptops/netbooks etc.. as the dojo will be hands-on where we will work on small problems that exist in FLOSS software which automatically helps us learn a lot more about our system. Folks that dont have laptops are also welcome -- atm, we cant provide machines to work on but you can watch others, ask questions, learn, and later try it out at home. WHO can participation: ANYONE. Absolutely anyone can walk in and participate at the venue. There is no registration fee or cost (except your time and travel costs perhaps?). There is no agenda either -- please note that the environment would be similar to that of an unconference. There is no formal teaching involved. We are all learners here and you are free to ask any python-related question. WHERE: The Centre for Internet and Society[3][4] (<--google map link) No. 194, 2nd 'C' Cross, Domlur 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560 071 WHEN: 7pm-8pm every Friday. We start from next week, 08Oct2010. So if you are interested in python, dont hesitate to join us for the weekly dojo sessions and do spread the word -- dent/tweet, blog and mail your friends about the weekly dojo meetups. PS: If anyone (women in particular) feels the evening timings are rather late for travelling please feel free to suggest a more convenient day (sat/sun?) and time <-- its not set in stone and suggestions are welcome. [0] [1] [2] [3] [4],77.637269&sspn=0.005792,0.011362&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Centre+for+Internet+and+Society+(CIS),+2nd+Cross,+Bengaluru,+Karnataka+560071,+India&ll=12.964977,77.638772&spn=0.005792,0.011362&z=17 Thanks, Regards, vid ॥ -- Regards, vid ॥ _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list