On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 12:27 AM, Jeffrey Jose <jeffjosej...@gmail.com>wrote:

> As a person whos new to the whole scene, when you say "Hacksessions"  what
> is it exactly ?
> And what happens in a Hacksession?

What I meant was that it would be really nice to work on something towards
the end of the whole event or the end of each day.

Maybe a person who might be giving a talk about an open source project of
his could sit around with a few others who are also interested and work on

Another thought that crossed my mind would be to host a sprint towards the
end of the day; Pycon sponsors sprints for contributions on porting,
documentation, bug fixes and much more.

I was wondering if there were plans to have similar sessions during/after
the event.

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