2010/7/29 Habibullah Pagarkar <habibpagar...@gmail.com>:
> Hello folks,
> Slight change of plans. The builders at our Domlur office want to perform
> some electrical maintenance work this weekend. I hope meeting at the
> Koramangala office instead at the same time wouldn't be too inconvenient.
> The address:
> ThoughtWorks Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. view
> map<http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ThoughtWorks,+8th+Main+Rd,+Koramangala+3+Block,+Koramangala,+Bengaluru,+Karnataka,+India%E2%80%8E&sll=12.930735,77.629181&sspn=0.017714,0.028195&g=8th+Main+Rd,+Koramangala+3+Block,+Koramangala,+Bengaluru,+Karnataka,+India%E2%80%8E&ie=UTF8&hq=ThoughtWorks,+%E2%80%8E&hnear=8th+Main+Rd,+Koramangala,+Bengaluru,+Karnataka,+India&ll=12.928454,77.629513&spn=0.008857,0.014098&z=17>
> ACR Mansion, 2nd floor, 147/F, 8th Main Rd.
> 3rd Block, Koramangala
> Bangalore - 560 034, India
> t: +91 80 4323 3700
> f: +91 80 4323 3706
> Directions: While going south on Inner Ring road, take a right at the Ooty
> Chocolates junction. Keep going down that road for 1 km. You'll see a
> "Sathya's Bar" on your right. Take a right at that intersection. The
> ThoughtWorks office is in that building. You'll have to sign in with
> reception on the 2nd floor and then proceed to the 3rd floor. The room that
> we'll meet up is called "Ajanta". The security guard should help you get
> there. I'll also be there and you can call me at 9611809292.
> Sorry for the last minute confusion.

Here is a tinyurl for the map.


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