hi I have a function that runs ok in a fedora 12 machine but crashes in a lenny machine. It is an ajax function (I did not write it) so no traceback. The only difference between the two machines is that fedora has python 2.6 whereas lenny has 2.5 - so can anyone tell me if there is anything python 2.6 specific about the code below:
def allaccounts(request): filter_params = request.GET.get("head") or None filter_qs = Account.objects.filter(head=filter_params).values_list("id", "name") edit_url = lambda x: reverse("editaccount", kwargs={"id": x["id"]}) eval_filter_qs = map(lambda x: dict(zip(("id", "text"), x)), list(filter_qs)) map(lambda x: x.update({"attrs": {"href": edit_url(x), "remote": True, "id": unicode(x["id"]), }}), eval_filter_qs) serialized_output = json.dumps(eval_filter_qs) return HttpResponse(serialized_output, mimetype="application/json") -- Regards Kenneth Gonsalves Senior Associate NRC-FOSS at AU-KBC _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list BangPypers@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/bangpypers