Hello everyone,
    Sorry about the cross posting.

    We're falling short in our publicity department and to that end
require some good artwork to brand the conference.

    There are 3 things which we need.

    1. A logo. We have some from last year which we can recycle but
I'd like that to be a last resort -

    2. Some badges and an ad banner - Three similar themed ones for "I
Support PYCon India", "I am speaking at PyCon India" and "I am
attending PyCon India". We have one submission at
http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyConIndia2010/Badges but I'm sure we can
get some more.

    3. T-shirt design - This will probably depend on the logo since it
will have to be there on the T but neverthless...

    I'm sure we have a lot of budding digital artists here who can do
a good job on this. The name fo the artist will of course be
prominently mentioned and you'll get really good bragging rights. :)

    For something like the conference we're working on to succeed,we
need volunteers for all things. Do help you where you can. Every
little bit counts.


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