On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 01:52:58PM +0530, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy wrote:

> is it just because of duck typing we don't require a concept of
> interfaces(like in Java and C#) in python? i think so.what you say?

Conceptually they are bit different. I am assuming you meant Dynamic
typing (wherein Duck typing a sub-concept) and then Interfaces.

You can positively argue that Dynamically typed languages may not need
Interfaces. But that has not really been a strong case. Like
zope.interface example over which you can define your class
blueprint.  Well, I have used it (as twisted uses it) but I don't know
the specific requirements for it (and I believe that you can work
without it though in a not-so-structured way).

Also, with respect to duck-typing where 'hasattr' plays a important
role, there seems to have been concerns that it is limited and much
deeper object inspection techniques are required, like deeper
information from issubclass and isinstance methods. For those reasons,
Abstract Base classes, which kind of provide some Interfaces have come
in Python.


The last para was from my theoretical understanding, I am yet to write
programs/projects which would need those concepts.


Here I am in 53 B.C. and all I want is a dill pickle!!
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