Hello everyone,
     We've been working towards the second PyCon in India and are now
soliciting proposals and papers for the conference.

     The official announcement follows. IT would be great if you could help
spread the word as well as submit proposals for talks you're interested in.

Pycon India 2010 is happening in Bangalore, India at MS Ramaiah Institute of
Technology from Sep 25-26 2010.

The conference is in its second run after a very successful first edition
last year. We are again expecting a tremendous response from the Python
community of India for this year's edition.

We are inviting proposals from interested speakers to fill our presentation
tracks. We invite proposals on all aspects of the Python language at all

First time speakers are invited. Pycon India being a complete community
conference, we welcome contribution from everyone to make the conference a

For finding out more about the conference proposals, visit the following


Please submit your proposals by 31st of July. Accepted proposals will be
announced on 31st of August.



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