> I have asked our service if they have an api support - waiting for an
> answer -
> but in the event that they do not have one, I would like to be ready.

fake the login process :)

do a urllib call to the login page submit with the username and password.
there will be a redirect issued after a cookie is being set. most of the
times the cookie will contain a sessionid. capture that session id string
next do a call to the sms submit form with the required number and message.
but in this url call, add the "Cookie: sessionid:blah." string as header.
the server assumes authentication after looking at the sessionid and sends
of the message.

have done similar python wrappers for other sms services and it works like a
charm 99% of the time ..

Kausikram Krishnasayee
Company: http://silverstripesoftware.com | Webpage: kausikram.net | Blog:
blog.kausikram.net | Twitter: http://twitter.com/kausikram | Email:
kausik...@gmail.com | Mobile: +91 9884246490
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