On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 6:40 AM, murugadoss <murugadoss2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Good Morning.
> 1.
> This is regarding installing python in 64-bit linux pc. one of the issue,
> which we were talking earlier. It was recommended to install python with
> 32-bit gcc compiler in 64-bit m/c.
> step:
> while installing python in 64-bit m/c, try using
> export CC='gcc -m32'
> ./configure --prefix = "installing directory" ; make ; make install
> 2.
> coming to extracting tarfile :
> I am able to extract a *.tar file using tarfile.extractall( ) .The same when
> i try extracting *.tar.gz,check tarfile.is_tarfile( ) returning false. On
> debugging, i found in ../lib/tarfile.py + 1148 (open function) where it
> checks the file type and returns the file attributes is failing. Exactly
> telling " *return func(name, "r", fileobj)* " This line is failing or
> returning none. This happens only in 64-bit linux m/c. It is working in
> 32-bit linux and windows m/c.
> 3.on other Method,
> i open the file using tarfile.open(*.tar.gz,"r:gz"). I am getting an error
> as "ImportError: No module named zlib".
>>>import tarfile
> ImportError: No module named zlib

You should have "zlib" development libraries installed before installing Python.

In Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install zlib1g-dev
Fedora/RHEL/CentOS: yum install zlib-devel

Baiju M
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