On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
<srinivas_thatipar...@akebonosoft.com> wrote:
> I am playing around with Pygments 1.3.1 source .I have a couple of questions.
> 1.Pygments docs says use python 2.4 or above.(from 
> Pygments-1.3.1/docs/build/installation.html) ;there are lots of print 
> statements in source but in 3.0 it has a become a function,so how does it 
> work in 3.0 ?

3.x is not backward compatible so unless your package has been ported
to 3.x, there is a strong chance that it won't work. When they say 2.4
and above, they probably mean 2.x where x>4.

> 2.I have installed it from source (well,i have windows xp) by running python 
> setup.py install and when i looked for docs to invoke on a file say Test.cs 
> there is  a pygmentize file to invoke it.It looks like a *nix file.How to 
> invoke Pygments  in windows?

Can't help you here since I don't have XP handy but I recollect that
the easy_install and other such scripts had a .exe extension. Also, if
you name your files with a .py, the installer takes care of the
necessary registry entries to automatically run them with a double

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