We tried doing something similar - http://24camp.org/ in chennai as well as
But as for bangalore, the population was usually low - 2 to 4 but the
kickstart was good.

Hoping to be able to get back to such things in summer :)

On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Dhaval Sharma <dhavalsha...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Group,
> Let me know if this is the right forum to initiate coding initiative.
> I propose a monthly meet to jam and meet at a common place and produce some
> cool django stuff. It could be in day or night.
> A time constrained onus for us to produce the assigned module and integrate
> to produce an awesome site. All in a day.
> I propose the following steps
>   1. We produce the idea. Or there could be sponsors of idea.
>   2. We vote for the idea to code.
>   3. We design and create modules. Assign them.
>   4. We code.
>   5. We stuff the place with food and drinks if people want to eat and
>   drink" while they jam.
> Please let me know when can we do it.
> --
> With Warm Regards,
> @dhavalsharma
> http://dsteps.blogspot.com
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/dhavalsharma
> http://carpoolkaro.appspot.com
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