On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Dhananjay Nene
> <dhananjay.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [..]
> > Apologies at persisting in this .. but I do think it is a very
> > unconventional usecase for programs to be used as specifications.

You must be kidding. This is one of the best discussions here
in a while. Thanks for joining the conversation!

> >
> > The scenario here is that the program (as in the python code) is the
> means
> > of communication  - it is *not necessarily* a runtime construct.
> > Organisation A models its understanding of the various fiscal
> implications
> > and publishes as a appendix of python code in a document. This document
> is
> > filed with SEC and then finds its way to Organisation B. In a very
> strange
> > situation here "the code is the specification of understanding" and
> replaces
> > "english legalese as a specification of understanding".
> [..]
> Which is why I feel there is opportunity here.
> This is not Python specific. I daresay they chose Python for it's
> simple syntax and lack of braces.
> However, once you have a specification of a process in precise
> executable format, it's possible to do this without involving human
> beings that was not possible with an English specification accompanied
> by a dude with a laptop and an excel sheet. Admittedly, he's more
> comfortable with the latter but if his bread and butter depend on the
> former, I think he'd change.
> The specification can be used to decide automatically if certain
> processes are compliant, it can be used to automatically create
> interfaces that allow people to work only within the constraints of
> the workflow etc.
> Python's introspective nature makes it easy to play with these
> specifications to tie it up into the larger machinery of the
> organisation and so I think apart from the clarity, there's a lot of
> potential for automation and removing clerical jobs.
> As for analysis, I'm sure some company will come up with an app that
> can automatically read out specifications from the website and present
> them in "Excel like" formats that you can play with.
> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
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