How about using Pycon-2009(banglore) logo as a seal? or official logo entries sent for logo contest? or atleast making some changes to them and come up with instead of designing from scratch.
Thanks&Regards, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy, Mobile:9393099772, -----Original Message----- From: on behalf of Noufal Ibrahim Sent: Wed 4/14/2010 1:07 PM To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India Subject: [BangPypers] Fwd: [Inpycon] letterhead and seal Forwarding to a wider audience. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kenneth Gonsalves <> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:59 PM Subject: [Inpycon] letterhead and seal To: hi, for the bank account and for filing returns and dealing with officials we unfortunately require a letter head and a seal. So we need to print maybe a 100 letterheads and have two seals - one in Ooty and one in Bangalore. Since we are doing this - might has well do it well. So anyone with any design skills please design this - it is needed by tomorrow as today is a holiday and no work can be done. So whatever looks cool by the deadline will be chosen - otherwise I will make something plain. -- regards Kenneth Gonsalves Senior Associate NRC-FOSS _______________________________________________ Inpycon mailing list -- ~noufal _______________________________________________ BangPypers mailing list
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