On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 13:16, kausikram krishnasayee
<kausik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tentative Date is sept 24th and 25th 2010. we are clear of all festivals.

That helps, Thanks.

> Remember there being a discussion on this on inpycon. if the need arises we
> will be happy to host it in 2011 as well. Alternatively we will also be
> happy if some other city bids as well. as long as the local guys in a city
> do not find it to be a burden and have fun organizing the event we are all
> happy :)

Agreed. But I am not sure how many outside of this list (or the
inpycon list) are aware that other cities can bid if they wish to. For
starters, a page on the wiki perhaps and later communicate this
publicly on the in.pycon.org website so that people are aware of the
process atleast.

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