On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:42 PM, nikunj badjatya

> Hi,
> I recently joined this mailing list so as to improve my knowledge on
> Python.
> Its been 4 months I am using Python. So I decided to contribute to any Open
> source project. Can you help me on how to proceed on this,  Whom to contact
> etc.

 Open source is like a vast ocean, there is plenty of fish to chose from
 of different sizes and tastes. Finally it is your choice that matters.

 However, for a newbie there are a few distinct paths to choose from.

 1. Contribute to an existing  open source project - This can vary from
 a single-person run project to a big, co-operative projects.

 2. Contribute by writing code snippets or "scripts" - You don't need
 to contact anyone. Just take some everyday task and try to write
 a script to solve it. If you feel it is good enough, post to some common
 repositories such as ASPN Python Cookbook, snippets.dzone.com etc.

 3. Start your own project - If you find *nothing* interesting and have
 the willingness and energy to start your own stuff, go ahead.  Find an
 interesting problem to solve, write original code.

 Most people start with 1 or 2, but it is your decision at the end.

 Btw, if you are interested in (1) for pure Python projects try
 http://wiki.*python*.org/moin/*Volunteer*Opportunities .

> Thanks,
> Nikunj Badjatya
> BTech
> Bangalore, India
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