On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Anand Balachandran Pillai <
abpil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Praveen Kumar <
> praveen.python.pl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Google employees are being discouraged from using Python for new
>> projects<
>> http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/a2qxs/bad_news_google_employees_are_being_discouraged/
>> >
>> http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/a2qxs/bad_news_google_employees_are_being_discouraged/
> I read through the entire discussion, and this comment caught my
> attention.
> "
> Yeah, I was thinking about this, and it's interesting to note that
> there are very few CPython developers who are paid to work on CPython.
>  They're all volunteers.  As such, performance really isn't a priority
> the way it is for the JVM.  The Ruby folks are getting funding (from
> EngineYard and others) to work on their VMs because people have
> realized that MRI is too darn slow to serve web applications and they
> want to fix it. "
> Well, the supposedly biggest "friend" of open source is
> supposedly using Python in a large scale for all its developer APIs
> and the creator of Python works there, so I don't get why
> Google cannot take the leadership and fund a few CPython
> core developers to get it up to speed, if that is what they
> really want. Instead of that they are creating confusion by
> starting on projects like Unladen Swallow, criticizing CPython
> and finally this rumor - it clearly doesn't help Python language
> in any way, though it could be helping Google.
> In this vein, Microsoft is far better than Google since they
> actually funded and executed an entire project like IronPython,
> recruiting Jim Hugunin and giving him a rather free hand.
> Why is it that Google is not able to contribute in a similar
> way to the Python ecosystem and the language even with
> the creator himself being part of the company ?
> I don't think Google is good for Python language at all. They
> could be the biggest promoter of the language or they could
> be finally end up diminishing its adoption, by giving out all
> this entirely different messages which doesn't seem to add
> up.

Clearly, there are already people who reflect similar thoughts...
>From down the thread.


> Yeah, I was thinking about this, and it's interesting to note that
> there are very few CPython developers who are paid to work on CPython.
>  They're all volunteers.  As such, performance really isn't a priority
> the way it is for the JVM.  The Ruby folks are getting funding (from
> EngineYard and others) to work on their VMs because people have
> realized that MRI is too darn slow to serve web applications and they
> want to fix it.

This comes as kind of a surprise, knowing that GvR is working for
Google, and obviously you U-S guys are getting funded. Wouldn't it be
only too logical that Google throws a couple of FTE at CPython?!

>> --
>> Praveen Kumar
>> +91 9620621342
>> http://praveensunsetpoint.wordpress.com
>> Bangalore
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> --
> --Anand

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