This might be of interest to people here who want to diversify a little.
Cross pollination is always a good thing.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: C. K. Ponnappa <>
Date: Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ Bangalore RUG] [OT] Bangalore Clojure group

I'd second that. Interestingly enough, I've noticed a clear trend inside
of ThoughtWorks where most of the interesting stuff is discussed on our
software dev list; there's very little that people consider so specific
that it can only be posted to, say, the .Net lists or the Concurrency
lists or the functional lists. Conversations tend to not just include
programming, but also philosophy and process as well, which makes for
really interesting conversation.

Does anyone want to experiment and see whether a cross cutting list will
work? If yes, then I've just created
It's an open group so we can try it out and see what happens.


Roshan Mathews wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Martin DeMello <>
>> Anyone else interested in clojure? We're trying to get a Bangalore
>> clojure group up and running:
> There is also the bangalore functional programmer's group at
> I wish there was a generic "programming" group.  Not language, or
> paradigm specific, but just for programmers.  Not for general
> technology discussions but for actual programming related stuff.  The
> local LUGs definitely aren't the place to talk about stuff like that,
> neither are the language specific lists.  The FP list unfortunately
> seems like a weird place to discuss non functional programming.
> programming.reddit is a good place for discussions, but a group could
> have meetings too.
> Anyways, clojure looks interesting.


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