> There are a couple of Python-only IDEs out there which might work for
> you. Eric, Idle, SPE are 3 that come to mind. I'm sure that bigger
> ones like Eclipse have Python plugins as well.
> I use Emacs + a couple of external things and it works for me. I had a
> link describing some useful customisations but it seems that delicious
> is down so I don't have it right now.

There is also WingIDE and komodo which come at a price tag. But the one i
use and love is pyscripter (which is free) . ULIpad is also an option.
Kausikram Krishnasayee
Company: http://silverstripesoftware.com | Webpage: kausikram.net | Blog:
chaosbudha.blogspot.com | Twitter: http://twitter.com/kausikram | Email:
kausik...@gmail.com | Mobile: +91 9884246490
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