2. It's easy to hire an IDE-aware monkey to do programming in "proven
I do most of my work in Ruby (and have done for a few years now). Every day I bemoan the lack of a powerful refactoring IDE like Java has in IntelliJ. A good IDE is a massive productivity booster; you can only get so far with a text editor*, no matter how many macros you have set up. Honestly.


* This is especially true of USD1800 text editors like Visual Studio.

Pradeep Gowda wrote:
That's what the big boys of the world wants you to believe. I had met a very
senior official in the government a techy himself and spent 3 hours showing
him virtues of Python and Django, hoping that they will change the RFP

I found out yesterday that the application has to be developed  on a proven
technology like Java,C++ or C#. When I spoke to the gentleman he said his
consultant said that dynamically typed languages are not safe for mission
critical work. The work is far from being mission-critical is another point

That's because "big boys" define the market suitable to themselves.

1. it's easier to code more, take more time when using "proven technology"
2. It's easy to hire an IDE-aware monkey to do programming in "proven

Anyway, one answer to "proven technology" bugaboo is Jython and
IronPython. It's still Java(platform) and .NET
with bi-directional compatibility.
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