This may be a solution if I am not getting you wrong.
1.write the whole string to a file 
2.feed that to xml.dom.minidom.parse 
3.retrieve whole or childnodes from toxml

BhaskarJain wrote:
> Hello,
>   I am stuck while escaping "<" and ">" in the xml file using
> xml.dom.minidom.
>   I tried to get the unicode hex value and use that instead  (
>   Tried to use the standard "&lt;" and "&gt;" but still with no success.
>   I saw similar bugs in python bugzilla -
> some others but not sure.
>>>> from xml.dom.minidom import Document
>>>> doc = Document()
>>>> e = doc.createElement("abc")
>>>> s1 = '<hello>bhaskar</hello>'
>>>> text = doc.createTextNode(s1)
>>>> e.appendChild(text)
> <DOM Text node "<hello>bha...">
>>>> e.toxml()
> '<abc>&lt;hello&gt;bhaskar&lt;/hello&gt;</abc>'
> same result with writexml()
>>>> from xml.dom.minidom import Document
>>>> doc = Document()
>>>> e = doc.createElement("abc")
>>>> s1 = u'&lt;hello&gt;bhaskar&lt;/hello&gt;'
>>>> text = doc.createTextNode(s1)
>>>> e.appendChild(text)
> <DOM Text node "&lt;hello&...">
>>>> e.toxml()
> u'<abc>&amp;lt;hello&amp;gt;bhaskar&amp;lt;/hello&amp;gt;</abc>'
> Tried other ways but with same results.
> Only way is to override the writer and replace like shown here -
> .
> Has anybody solved this?
> I want to have a text node with contents as  
> "ds:X509Certificate>-----BEGIN
> CERTIFICATE----- </ds:X509Certificate>".
> Creating an element as "ds:x509Certificate" and then creating a text node
> with the certificate and appending it to the element works but a third
> party-library fails to parse it.
> So would like to have a single text node with the contents.
> Thanks.
> --Bhaskar.
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