Hi list,         
        This is my first post to the list though  I have been following this
list since 7 or 8 months.
I have been programming for a 1.5 years or so.Comparatively i have very less
exposure and exp as you  people have and
please excuse me if u think this is a troll or flame.
         I know that this is not related to python, but i can't resist
discussing this.
Why do indian programmers ask for code in  Usenet (particularly Google groups)
,saying that it's very urgent and on top of that they can't even able to put
their problem across correctly.In some cases
they ask you to send it to their mail ID's.
  Having  tried the problem and asking for help is OK.but this is something
like disgusting.
        I have been following Reddit  and News groups and forums and no matter
where ever i go these type of
people are there(99% of them are indians).They don't even have the patience to
do googling..is copying seeped into our blood??
    I have worked at infosys , i have had a chance to work with westerns,they
never ever
copy their home work(In training ,we used to do assignments and submit at the
EOD).They do submit what they did , if they can't
do it,they ask permission to submit later.But we (Indians) used to copy.Yeah,i
did copy and learnt lessons. :)
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
- Confucius.

On Thu, 15 Oct 2009, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy sent out 8.1K bytes to say:
> Hi list,         
>         This is my first post to the list though  I have been following this
> list since 7 or 8 months.
> I have been programming for a 1.5 years or so.Comparatively i have very less
> exposure and exp as you  people have and
> please excuse me if u think this is a troll or flame.
>          I know that this is not related to python, but i can't resist
> discussing this.
> Why do indian programmers ask for code in  Usenet (particularly Google groups)
> ?
> ,saying that it's very urgent and on top of that they can't even able to put
> their problem across correctly.In some cases
> they ask you to send it to their mail ID's.
>   Having  tried the problem and asking for help is OK.but this is something
> like disgusting.
>         I have been following Reddit  and News groups and forums and no matter
> where ever i go these type of
> people are there(99% of them are indians).They don't even have the patience to
> do googling..is copying seeped into our blood??
>     I have worked at infosys , i have had a chance to work with westerns,they
> never ever
> copy their home work(In training ,we used to do assignments and submit at the
> EOD).They do submit what they did , if they can't
> do it,they ask permission to submit later.But we (Indians) used to copy.Yeah,i
> did copy and learnt lessons. :)
> Regards,
> Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy.
> --------------
> I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
> - Confucius.

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Sorry, I just couldn't resist :P
Tejas Dinkar
BangPypers mailing list

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