In terms of job opportunities, Perl vs Python opportunities breakdown by field but python adoption is expanding rapidly.
Python is used frequently in web application development which creates a lot of job opportunities. The must substantial difference between perl and python is stylistic. Python places a strong emphasis on style and convention enforced by the interpreter. This makes python very readable but causes some headaches when initially learning to code. Usually, there is just one preferred way to accomplish routine tasks in Python. Perl style is much more individual. Perl coders and groups tend to develop an idiosyncratic style. Perl can be extremely concise("Famous one liner") but also unreadable. Python is being used in lots of high public profile projects across the industry. Perl is more common in the enterprise or legacy situations. Python is also receiving large investments by major corporations to dramatically improved performance( "Unladen Swallow"). All in all, Python is a expressive mature language with a large number of use cases but it isn't the new "hawtness" in languages anymore. US number: +1 650-862-5992 Indian Number:+919945111824 On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Gopinath R <> wrote: > Hi everyone, > > It is my pleasure finding this mailing list. I am a Open Source guy. but > not an expert. I m strong in Shell Scripting. I need to learn one more open > source language for excellent job opportunities. > > I am bit confused in choosing it. I need your suggestions > > i should go for PERL or PYTHON. Which one is powerful and will give you > more job opportunities? > > Thanks, > R.Gopinath > > > _______________________________________________ > BangPypers mailing list > > > >
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