On 10/07/2009 10:24 AM, Anand Chitipothu wrote:
When an exception is raised, traceback is taken from the current stack
unless a traceback object is provided to it. I'm using sys.exc_info()
to get the trackback of the original exception and using it when
re-raising the exception.
Ah ok. I assumed you were only interested catching exceptions rather than the
exception itself, since you were using a blanket except statement.
And there is no need to add "saved = e" as the exception is already
available as variable e.
yeah, yeah :) ...that was just pseudo code to emphasize the fact that the object
is available. In any case, if you really want to be pedantic, you ought to be
raising custom exceptions rather than the base Exception object and also
catching specific exceptions rather than a blanket except !
- steve
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