Dear Pradeep,
Sequential database in the sense, like creating a data structure in the class
and getting data from the user and storing it as a file.
--- On Sun, 27/9/09,
<> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: BangPypers Digest, Vol 25, Issue 53
Date: Sunday, 27 September, 2009, 10:00 AM
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Today's Topics:
1. Can we create proprietary database in Python (Arun Python)
2. Re: Can we create proprietary database in Python (Pradeep Gowda)
3. Python at Schools (Abhishek Mishra)
4. Re: [ilugb] Python at Schools (vid)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 00:45:27 +0530 (IST)
From: Arun Python <>
Subject: [BangPypers] Can we create proprietary database in Python
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi all,
I am a novice to Python.? I have a few doubts.
a) How useful is python in the development of database applications when
compared to C++.
b)?Can we able to create proprietary or sequential database like in C++ in
python for?database applications which are not so huge.
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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 15:57:10 -0400
From: Pradeep Gowda <>
To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Can we create proprietary database in Python
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Arun Python <> wrote:
> I am a novice to Python. I have a few doubts.
> a) How useful is python in the development of database applications when
> compared to C++.
> b) Can we able to create proprietary or sequential database like in C++ in
> python for database applications which are not so huge.
> I would say Python is even more suited to develop database applications
than C++.
0) Python dynamic typing, built-in datatypes and huge standard library will
make application development far more easier than bit-twiddling with C/C++.
1) Python has excellent libraries for all mainstream (and not so mainstream)
2) in a DB-based app, the performance bottleneck is mostly due to the db &
network and not the run time speed of the language itself.
"sequential database" -- can you give an example? If you mean Object
Databases (viz., ZODB, Durus, DB4o) or key-value databases (viz., TokyoDB,
Mongo, Couch), python has plenty of such native libraries/drivers.
A specific problem you are trying to solve will yield better responses, IMO..
Happy hacking,
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 07:59:13 +0530
From: Abhishek Mishra <>
To: Mailing list for the PyCon India conference <>,
Bangalore Python Users Group - India <>,
Subject: [BangPypers] Python at Schools
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
At Pycon India Day 1, "National Mission on Education through ICT &
Python" was a great talk, and mission is seriously something which is
the need of the hour. What I like best about the mission is,
engineering students would actually be _utilizing_ computers to do a
whole variety of tasks which Python makes as easy as pie, by attaching
wings to our imaginations rather than restricting it by [ language
specific rules, conventions, the need to understand things at core
level ]
The impact, sooner or later is going to be huge. As one of the people
already questioned about schools, and it was announced that this
initiative aims just colleges - engineering and sciences. I would like
to ask, are there any parallel initiatives which aim at schools?
I wish there are some... one aspect of Python which I appreciate most
is - There is very less time between imagination and implementation
for short programs. Secondly, being an interpreter, you can always
execute on the fly and you can always make live mistakes and know what
went wrong. There is inbuilt help as we saw it. What could be more
perfect to begin programming.
I've heard about how kids in European countries begin with Python.
Let's compare that to India, I started with GW-BASIC, which is a very
good language to begin with. But don't you think it has become pretty
old, and is hardly readily available. People start with LOGO at some
places, but that limits them to drawing, though it does introduce one
to joy of programming. I don't think teaching C++ actually gets a
normal kid excited about programming, rather than that, just like some
of us developed maths phobia back then, some kids end up hating the
word 'programming'. I've heard that many times from my peers at
Python is something that can convince them more about the power of
programming than C/C++ for sure. And instead of people developing a
sort of resistance to programming, can actually appreciate how it
actually gives them freedom over huge software suits and tools and
instead get their work done the way they want, with outputs in format
they want, without having to pay a penny as in case of Python.
It happens that at ICSE schools java/c++ is offered for almost last 4
years of schooling, while my CBSE experience was horrible, with no
programming in syllabus till class 11th. While way back in an ICSE
school, programming started at class 6 with GW-BASIC and that language
was fun.
My whole point is, wherever programming is taught at school levels, I
think Python must replace old almost dying pieces of
GWBASIC/QuickBASIC or TurboC++.
People usually tend to leave both BASIC, and TurboC++ when they don't
realize, the ones who don't end up as teachers at colleges like mine.
But had we a generation that knew basics of Python, things would've
been different. For whome a TurboC++ IDE became something they depend
on, like chain smokers depend on cigarettes, Python would've been a
Jetpack they would've never forgotten. What I mean is that learning
Python at school won't make Python vanish from your life after you
leave school since you can possibly do anything with it.
Anyways, So is MHRD/(Whoever cares) doing something at School Level?
Wouldn't that solve the demand of Python teachers as needed by
"National Mission on Education through ICT & Python" and actually
reduce the friction to its adoptibility which I can obviously see at
engineering level, I'm sure not many of the profs/teachers at my
college would put efforts to try out Python.
Abhishek Mishra
out for Day 2 :)
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 08:41:00 +0545
From: vid <>
Cc: Mailing list for the PyCon India conference <>,
Bangalore Python Users Group - India <>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] [ilugb] Python at Schools
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hmm... this is cross-posted to many lists.
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 08:14, Abhishek Mishra <> wrote:
> I'm sure not many of the profs/teachers at my
> college would put efforts to try out Python.
Here is my experience after a few interactions : The school teachers
(i had met last year) were interested but the management does not
trust volunteers. Besides, each school has its own idea of how to
promote computer education in schools. Most of them force students to
buy text-books all teaching proprietary software :( Also the word
"computer education" preys on the parents desire --it is a
money-spinner in the name of 'making the student computer literate' --
parents are charged extra money per month as part of "computer
education", lab fees, etc... Students in grade1, grade2 were being
taught computers -- their notebooks had nice colored pictures of a
monitor, printer, laptop, with the teacher's red-ink ticked mark and
"good" sign for the color not going out of the lines. I kid you not.
One school principal lamented about Indians not writing their own
OS/compilers, etc.... when I politely suggested that he would set a
trend if he removed the pirated copies of a proprietary OS and
installed the Ubuntu CD that I gave him.
All this was about a year ago in Bangalore at the CBSE schools and one
government aided school. I doubt if things have drastically changed
for the better since.
IIRC, recently there was another effort to train the government teachers :
vid ||
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End of BangPypers Digest, Vol 25, Issue 53
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