me too :)
I second this proposal.

Best regards,
Vishal Sapre

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Arvind Jamuna Dixit <>wrote:

> Noufal, learning how things work under the hood has always appealed to me.
> I am very much interested in working on this.
> Arvind.
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 1:51 AM, Noufal Ibrahim <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>>    Are there any people here who are interested and who've worked on
>> the actual CPython (or any other) interpreter directly? The whole idea
>> of unladen swallow is appealing to me and if there are others who are
>> into that kind of thing, it'd be great to collaborate on something on
>> that front.
>> --
>> ~noufal
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Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre


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"Diamond is another piece of coal that did well under pressureā€
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