I was looking at some bytecode optimizations last year. Tlee had some work 
already done on that front ; he had a branch. (But, I was not able to reach him 
and get to know about the stuff.) I mailed python-dev and Raymond replied back 
on this -- there are some good bugs in bytecode optimizations that you can have 
a look at to start off. Also, hang around in #python -- there are some really 
brilliant guys there. "@verve" helped me a lot on this front.

I did not make any commits, but it continues to be a great learning experience.
Reg unladen -- when I followed them in mar/apr this year , they were making 
some good progress. But the team was big I was not able to  assimilate all the 
knowledge(it was too fast for me). There is tonne of learning to be done.

OTOH, start with The Dragon Book, to understand the parlance.


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-----Original Message-----
From: Noufal Ibrahim <nou...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 01:51:57 
To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India<bangpypers@python.org>
Subject: [BangPypers] Low level Python

Hello everyone,
    Are there any people here who are interested and who've worked on
the actual CPython (or any other) interpreter directly? The whole idea
of unladen swallow is appealing to me and if there are others who are
into that kind of thing, it'd be great to collaborate on something on
that front.

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