On 09/11/2009 01:24 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
On Friday 11 Sep 2009 11:00:41 am Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
On Friday 11 Sep 2009 10:54:27 am srid wrote:
> > From Wikipedia:
> """
> Objections to top-posting on newsgroups, as a rule, seem to come from
> persons who first went online in the earlier days of Usenet, and in
> communities that date to Usenet's early days. Until the mid-90s,
> top-posting was unknown and interleaved posting an obvious standard
> that all net.newcomers had to learn. Among the most vehement
> communities are those in the Usenet comp.lang hierarchy, especially
> comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++. Top-posting is more tolerated on the
> alt hierarchy. Newer online participants, especially those with
> limited experience of Usenet, tend to be less sensitive to arguments
> about posting style.
> """
why? in the first place I am extremely sensitive to top posting, but have never
used usenet or been in a C forum. I only learned about interleaved posting in
Therefore 'Newer online participants, especially those with
limited experience of Usenet, tend to be less sensitive to arguments about
posting style.' is sheer BS. The majority of people online are just as
sensitive to arguments about good manners as the old timers. The only thing is
that they are ignorant.
btw, I am not talking of the general non-IT mailing lists.
Just to be a pedant, I should point out that the quoted paragraph clearly states
that "Objections to top-posting on /newsgroups/..."
The entire paragraph is in the context of newsgroups (and Usenet in particular).
Also, about the original tweet -- That is possibly just an off hand remark
(directed at one particular person) by a guy, just the fact that the guy is gvr
and is saying something unexpected when taken out of context is not reason
enough to post it to a python mailing list, IMHO. Doing that is plain stupid but
unfortunately it happens all the time with twitter. This is exactly what I hate
about twitter -- there is no context.
- steve
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