On 09/03/2009 10:46 PM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 10:43 PM, bhaskar jain<bhaskar.jain2...@gmail.com>
Nice link - http://aymanh.com/python-debugging-techniques
We can have this thread were we discuss our own debugging techniques.
I uses syslog :(
and kind of like 'inspect' and 'traceback' modules.
* Debugging: Guido uses print statements for 90% of his debugging and
a debugger for the times when his brain stops working or he has to
debug some wierd code that someone else wrote.
Of course the primary difference, IMHO is most python programmers are debugging
application/modules written in python whereas Gudio debugs the language itself
and the standard library. I wonder how many regular python users ever need to
put a print statement in any of python's standard modules (I've done it a couple
of times, just because the docs seemed too obscure/complicated/vague to be
bothered with and it was faster for me just to use print).
Anyways, regarding the question, I find that most python programmers I've met
either use print (and other variations like traceback.print_*) or a custom coded
logging/debuging module.
Recently, i've come across these two which might be useful, but I haven't had a
reason to try them out yet:
...and lastly, I've used pdb occasionally (actually, the most frequent use was
when being dropped in the built in pdb prompt when anaconda (the Red Hat/fedora
installer) barfs) and even then, I didn't really find it all that useful from a
'debugging' perspective. It works well only to examine state.
- steve
random non tech spiel: http://lonetwin.blogspot.com/
tech randomness: http://lonehacks.blogspot.com/
what i'm stumbling into: http://lonetwin.stumbleupon.com/
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