On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 04:42:38PM +0530, Arvind Jamuna Dixit wrote:
> I am feeling very bad for myself for having missed yesterday's meeting and am
> interested in knowing the minutes of yesterday's meeting.

You might join the next meeting perhaps.

> The checked the wiki but did not find much details about the meeting.
We are lazy to write the minutes of the meeting. Perhaps we need
someone who is interested in writing the minutes (and he/she sees some
form of personal benefit in doing so).

Roughly we discussed the following.

 * Python 3.1 - How to get started with it.
 * Subtopics included Unicode vs Strings. Strings vs Bytes. Whats new
 * in python

 * Brad showed the audience some interesing programming paradigms
   used at ZeOmega for their purposes.

 * We discussed about logging module of Python

 * Discussed about PyCon and Brad shared some of his thoughts on how
   PyCon is organized. The essence of PyCon, etc.

The meeting started around 2:00 /2:30 ( I was unfortunately late at
3:00 pm) and went till 6:30 pm.

I enjoyed it, I learnt a lot of things and I hope others enjoyed the
meet too.

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