Some interesting comments from reddit (alluding to authority and a
servile attitude):
[quote]'(...)he found Indian programmers to be very reluctant to speak
up to management. He said they would rarely, if ever, say they were
overburdened with too much work, and instead of asking for help, or
saying they couldn't accomplish a task in a given period of time, they'd
work themselves to death.'[endquote]
[quote]'It's more because they're used to authority figures that treat
feedback as criticism.'[endquote]
[quote]'I have an Indian roommate who is currently in the CS program at
UCLA. He's probably one of the smartest guys I know (...) However, he
regards me as $deity{CS} (...), and so working with him on any project
is a pain, because he seems to believe that whatever I come up with that
approximates a design is The Way To Do Things (TM). However, as soon as
I coerce him into designing something on his own, without prior input,
he comes up with great stuff.'[endquote]
On 6/11/2009 11:16 PM, Srijayanth Sridhar wrote:
Good points, but what I am most curious about is why this phenomenon is
so prevalent in the Indian dev community and not as pervasive elsewhere.
The ruby community is rife with apt examples. The average Indian
developer will pop up and demand answers for a really silly Rails
question or something.
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Pradeep Gowda <
<>> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Sridhar
Ratnakumar< <>>
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Srijayanth
Sridhar< <>> wrote:
> I don't know the reasons either, but would like to know too.
> I often think the best way to handle such posters is to momentarily
> divert the topic of the conversation to their own interest-level,
> curiosity and self-learning .
I think it's best to ignore mails from users who do not care enough to
use their real name/nick while asking questions. The user in question
introduced himself as prasad, but we scan mail titles before reading
mail content. Most people wouldn't care to read a mail from
"testing123 test< <>>",
let alone answer it. Online
forums are just like real life communities, where people judge you
by what you say and how you say it. It's hard to relate to a
anonymous, faceless name like "testing 123". Use your real name. [1]
If the same question is asked by some one who "appears" to be a real
person, it might still be worth answering them, at the same time also
pointing them to a net etiquette
link [2]. In good faith, we can assume that the user in question is
really new to using forums/mailing lists etc.,
Over time, most people do learn how to do their home work and in turn
ask smart questions.
I'll see whether our membership welcome messages can be improved to
reflect this.
Happy hacking,
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