Sorry folks. Some editing on what i just typed.

still learning >> still are learning

to face  >> when encouraged to face

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:02 AM, jayasimha makineni <> wrote:

> Kenneth,
> You have been hitting the nail on its head repeatedly. I enjoy watching
> (reading) that.
> Let us train more programmers who can truly be *programmers*. Python is
> perhaps the best vehicle for that journey. My understanding is that those
> who claim to be good programmers do not like it if they are told on their
> face that they still learning to be just programmers. (What is wrong with
> life long learning anyway ? It is never late to learn). And their managers
> have an even worse feeling to face facts because they have to justify their
> salaries and other bills too.
> jayasimha
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