On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 14:38, Ramdas S <ram...@developeriq.com> wrote:
> let's have an FTF at least to discuss conference details. When you are
> having a **real** conference, we must have a few **real** meetings for
> organizing them.
> Frankly there were too much of line noise during the last virtual meetings
> we had... There was little clarity on many things.

Concur, as I dont parse IRC conversations well with too many folks
speaking at the same time. Anyway the bigger confusion was about the
scope/goal, probably because there were too many ideas and
suggestions, which are great in itself, but its the implementation
that worries me.  Too many ideas and too few volunteers is the part
where I am stuck at.
Before a F2F, wouldnt it be better to take a roll-call on tasks and
volunteers on the list or the wiki and then take a step at a time? At
the first irc meet, I had volunteered to handle the media and
publicity for the conf.

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