Sorry for the belated comment....

If you are not writing a web app from scratch, but just want to add a web
interface to an already existing python application you will probably find
CherryPy to be a much easier solution.   TurboGears and Pylons have an awful
lot of scaffolding.  This can be useful when creating a full featured
website from scratch, but can be very distracting if you are trying to
shoehorn something already built into it.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:05 AM, Sibtey Mehdi <>wrote:

>  Hi
> I am trying to combine the *Turbogears* inside my python applications but
> couldn’t get the way.
> I have check the paste, paste deploy, tg2 and webob but no luck to proceed
> further.
> Is there anyone who can suggest me how to combine TG2 inside of Python
> apps?
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